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2023-09-14 英语词典


美式发音: [ˈɡædˌflaɪ] 英式发音: ['ɡæd.flaɪ]


网络释义:牛虻;虻虫;牛蝇复数:gadflies  同义词




1.(为使别人做某事而对其进行骚扰或批评的)讨人厌者a person who annoys or criticizes other people in order to make them do sth


n.1.someone who continuously annoys another person or an organization, usually by criticizing them2.a fly that bites cows and horses

1.牛虻 牛毛雨〖 drizzle〗 牛虻gadfly〗 牛奶〖 milk〗 ...

2.虻虫 Fruticose Breyniae Leaf and Twig 黑面神 Gadfly 虻虫 Galanga Galangal Seed 红豆蔻 ...


4.讨厌的人 futility 无用,无益 gadfly 虻,牛虻;讨厌的人 gadget 小工具,小机械 ...

5.虻,牛虻 futility 无用,无益 gadfly 虻,牛虻;讨厌的人 gadget 小工具,小机械 ...

6.政治牛虻行为动机主要是出于对短期和眼前利益的考虑;一类是“政治牛虻”(Gadfly),他们经常对一些争论中的问题提出批评意见,主 …

7.虻虫提取物 ... 梅花提取物 plum flower 虻虫提取物 Gadfly 密蒙花提取物 Pale Butterflybush Flower ...


1.Detractors see him differently: as a dangerous anti-American gadfly, indiscriminately revealing information regardless of the consequences.批评者则看法不同,他们认为他是一个危险的反美鼓吹者,不计后果、不加甄别地泄露信息。

2.FOR a week the Gadfly lay in a fearful state.整整一个星期,牛虻的病都处于严重的状态。

3.Courage, selflessness and strength of will stand out all over the Gadfly.勇敢、无私和意志力在牛虻身上全都表现得很突出。

4.Even Evelyn Davis, the corporate gadfly who calls herself "Queen of the Corporate Jungle, " defended Mr. Lewis.即使自称为“企业丛林女王”的讨厌虫-伊夫林戴维斯都在为刘易斯辩护。

5.A previously obscure computer geek-turned-gadfly called Julian Assange turned the worlds of diplomacy and journalism upside down.朱利安•阿桑奇(JulianAssange),这个此前默默无名、从计算机奇客(geek)转变而来的牛虻,将外交界与新闻行业搅了个天翻地覆。

6.After the dog with the tail flapping tongue, Kazakhstan with saliva, flap ears, to catch a suction mucus of the gadfly.狗跟在屁股后,耷拉着舌头,哈着口水,扑棱着耳朵,捉一只吸眼屎的牛虻。

7.egypt is a beautiful heifer , but a gadfly is coming against her from the north.埃及是肥美的母牛犊。但出于北方的毁灭(毁灭或作牛虻)来到了。来到了。

8.After 13 years, he came back to Italy as a strong and cold "gadfly" .13年后,亚瑟回到意大利,变成了一个坚强而冷酷的“牛虻”。

9.Low mountain areas, is the mosquito, blood-sucking insects like black flies breeding gadfly place.中低山地地带,是蚊、蚋虻之类的吸血虫繁殖的地方。

10.At first only one newspaper, Hankyoreh, regarded as a provocative gadfly, dared print them.一开始仅有一家报纸,Hankyoreh,它被认为是一只挑衅的牛虻,敢于刊登这些指控。
